Tuesday, 12 February 2013

She Rocks One Lock

The noise of artificial winter was white
Masking slight airy tendrils
Stealing frosty kisses, seemingly
Inviting featherless geese to rise upon limbs

She sat still, silent, stoic.
Staring surreptitiously at the speaker
Smiling softly at speech spoken sonorously
With a smooth succinct style

Tilted head exuding poise
Atop elegant pillar of demure strength

She rocked one lock

Draped over ebon shoulder
Caressing nape
As if
Daring one to issue challenge
‘gainst her right to her own

Shifting in her seat
She looked at home in that plastic throne
Genteel hands flitted to lips
Failing to halt the bubble of laughter
Indicative of mirth unearthed,
Divined midst Spoken Word.

Surely she possessed a fine ear
And mind intimate with wit

To woo I was at once bit
By muse of thought
To pen nameless empress
Who rocked one lock

Glen  ‘Charlie Roots’ Toussaint 2013©