Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Intellectually Stimulated (Feed Me More)

Feed Me More!!!
Words roaring from the lips of a muscled down, steroid pumped wrestler
Whipping the cheering crowd of the WWE arena into ever greater frenzy

Feed me more!!!
That chant, that petition for food for blood for flesh
Not only stirred the man in me gearing up to kick some jabroni’s ass
It surprisingly stirred the intellectual in me

Feed Me More!!!
Feed me, my mind said chanting along with the brute
My brain, my intellect needed to be fed
I needed words, ideas, metaphors, concepts, philosophies
The same way that that monster needed bodies

Feed me more!!!
My mind was like the cookie monster after Lent
I craved, crave wit
I crave the unrelenting use of literary devices
I crave pushing the boundaries
My mind having been brought up on light-bulb soup
Would settle for nothing less than the sensual caress of intelligent conversation
I want brains!!! Like a fucking zombie!!!
My neurons are firing even within this vegetative state
Mired in this bog of under stimulation.

I NEED an intellectual hard-on
The same old verbal pornography ain’t doing it for me
I want you to step forward
And lick my cerebral cortex
Don’t be shy
Stroke me from frontal lobe to my brain stem
Get in deep so as to nip even my medulla oblongata

Was that visual enough for ya
Did you get the picture?

The beast of my imagination is restive
Pawing at the earth, eager to run
To stretch its muscles
To out race the wind, like that blood red stallion
Creating whirlwinds as it blazed across the desert sands
It is thirsty for the ‘What Ifs’
Hungry for the ‘how comes’
Starving for the ‘just suppose’
Where I am and where I want to be juxtaposed
As I wither away from lack of nutrients

Feed Me…
At least try
Be not afraid of thought
Be not afraid of words
There is much to be said for expression
Through sound and the lack there off
Paint me pictures
Take me away
The way John Legend wanted to take away Gabrielle
Weave me into the web of your world
Of your life
Of your dreams.

So here I pose
In a perfect state of repose
Listening to every piece close
Sighing with every other breath out my nose
Listening intently for those elusive combination of words
To sedate the beast
Revive me and satisfy me intellectually

Feed Me More!!!

Glen Toussaint © 2013