Wednesday, 11 April 2012

FallING Angel

FallING Angel

A single blow struck
Ponderous with the weight of planets
The grace of HIM flees as the nether-realm beckons.
No longer do my feet find purchase upon the planes of glory
And I scream as that glory sears me to the quick.

I am Falling.

My radiance fails,
It fades,
It dies

I am Falling

From one celestial plane to another
My spirit trembles.
Once bright, shinning eyes turn black
As golden tears turn to ebon ichor
My radiance, my innocence burns away
As the blackness seeps to the surface
My purity flutters towards the gates
My blood runs freely

I am Falling

Down my cheeks,
Down my back, I’m soaked in blood
i seek to praise but my tongue defiles
My core is crushed, mangled and scarred.
I resist, I fight. I howl.
To no avail.
The stars fall all around me
Their song fades to nothing.
I am torn within and without
Wracked by pain
All that is good comes to an end within me
And yet I laugh
I laugh as my love turns to hate
I feel the spite for all that is life take root and bear fruit within me

I am Falling

The winds of fate sweeping me ever towards
My reward.
I rail at the winds
But all are subject to Fate for she serves only one
I spit in her face, claw at her body
Yet with one final kiss, pregnant with the weight of judgment
I plunge ever deeper...

I am falling

I stop
My hurt dulls into a numbing rhythm
Dropping my gaze I beheld the realm,
Made for me or by me?
I care not at this point
I stand now on the black desert sands of a shore bathed in tides of flames
Flames of blood and darkness.
Upon this sea I walk
Upon its surface I am reflected
A beauty to behold,
Dark, dangerously exotic and enchanting
Movements languid, sensuous, graceful and sinister
What a sight...

And I SCREAM!!!!!!!!!
The scream of multitudes
The scream of the forsaken
The scream of the damned
The scream of the Falling
The scream of the Fallen....

...I have Fallen.

Glen Toussaint 2010 ©

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