Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Because I Love Word: Chapter Five: Inspired In One Movement

your words like a symphony,
persuading my limbs into reactionary actions
encompassing desires stirred not shaken
by these same words
the essence of your presence
a gentle, genteel magnificence
to the touch
to the smell
to the taste
hold me by the waist as u lay waste to my defences
my shy inward exterior buckles in this paradoy of paradoxes
run ur fingers through my loxes
ur nails over my scalp
as ur nector flow twix ur lips from a mind caught in the grip of eternal fascination for the fathers creation
u make me
u made me
u unmake the bullshit in me
and remade me with sense
and its all because of ur presence

Glen Toussaint 2012©

Monday, 10 September 2012

Angry Chinese Man (Spirit of Chupidniss 2)

*read with the corniest Chinese accent you remember*

I ah come-ah hea too set-ah tings straight
I am perturbed by yoo peepol
Aand I wont to air my issues

Issue numba 1!
Yes! We are many but
We are not-ah rats!
We are not-ah pygmy!
We are not-ah rabbit!
And we are not-ah cockaroaches!!!

Issue numba 2!!
Yes yoo!
Yoo eva see us eat-ah ratta???
Yoo eva see us eat-ah dog???
We eat rice and cabbage dammit!!!!

Issue numba 3!!!
We only have cheap shit
Because yoo WANT cheap shit!!
We give you cheap shit and you still want DISCOUNT yoo nuff self!!!!

Issue numba 4!!!!
My name is Li Jang Wong
Not Bruce Lee, Jet Li, or Jackie frickin Chan
And NO I don’t know Kung Fu
But I will Kung Fu your ass if you push me!!!

Issue numba 5!!!!!
Iz most sensitive issue
My wife’s wife is vertical, yoo ass, not horizontal
And even if I know how to use my head
I don’t need to put it in her ***** to make her scream
I have a whole 3inches I know how to use!!!

I am sick and tired of yoo peepol
But I’ve gotten revenge
How, yoo ask?
We help with your weight problem

Heh heh ehheheheheheheh

Glen Toussaint 2011©

A New Season

I’ve gone beyond drifting @ this point
Body left behind after this Joint
No longer seeking escape
I’m flying
Flying through multi-coloured mindstates
Pellucid in this Farscape
Metaphysical constructs supporting this landscape
I’m blazing, blazing
Blazing _ not so sexual
But ethereal
Surpassing the surreal
Till my words become & is real
I am still possessed by the word
Giving voice,
Furtively giving life
Written on the back of an invoice

Stick a pin
Stick a whole heap o’ pin

From the beginning
A euphoric escalation
This sophomoric capitulation
This verbal ejaculation
This mind fuck
This mental fuckin
Nah I didn’t smoke nothin
I’m just at that point
Where I need to be reborn into somethin

A metamorphosis needin to occur
To succor a situation
Wherein I reawaken the Mage
Taking a page from the Stone Sage meditation

Be still
Be still
Reined into peace,
Searching for that sound
A signal beacon leading to the profound
The source of growth
The source of flow
As pure as the Lifestream

Searching always for a reason
Not to succumb
Deftly navigating, following that one single truth

It’s a new season.

Glen Toussaint 2011 ©

4 lines of Colour

Fading gold glows
Rows of white stream….dissipate
Sullen red baits, attempting to intimidate
Yellow, Red, Blue, Purple

Glen Toussaint 2011©